SAP HR Academy Questions - 8

Friday, February 20, 2009

1. A project IMG has two icons which are:
a. IMG activity
b. Project documentation
c. Activity documentation
d. Project management
e. Project mandatory and critical items.
f. Feature NUMKR uses number ranges and information from infotype 0001 to default personnel numbers:
g. True
h. False.
2. Which of the following statements are correct?
a. LGMST has a return value that determines the maximum number of enterable wage types in infotypes 0008 and reads the wage type model
b. Default pay scale data is determined using module TARIF
c. Screen headers are determined using feature Pnnnn
d. The work schedule rule can be defaulted for Planned Working Time using feature ZLSCH.
e. When using the HR Master data extended check in HR authorizations, the following statement is incorrect:
f. The authorization object is P_ORGXX and deactivated in the delivered system
g. The fields SACHA, SACHP, SACHZ and SBMOD are filled from infotype 0001
h. The object is always checked when validating authorizations
i. This object cannot be used with P_ORGIN.
j. Which of the following statements regarding infotype menus and action menus are correct? More than one answer is correct.
k. An action menu is a collection of personnel actions presented to the user according to his/her group
l. An action menu is used to configure Dynamic actions
m. An infotypes menu defines which infotype a user is authorized to maintain
n. An infotype menu is a list of infotypes presented to the user.
o. In Master data maintenance, the following options are available in the Utilities menu: More than one answer is correct.
p. Delete personnel number
q. Restart a Personnel action
r. Change payroll status
s. Change entry/leaving date
t. Absence quotas.
u. Which of the following Time recording options are available in SAP Time Management? More than one answer is correct.
v. Employee Self Service
w. Time Manager’s Workplace
x. Clock in/clock out using a WAP enabled phone
y. Flextime sheet
z. Infotype maintenance.
3. Which of the following is NOT an element that does not define a feature?
a. The person responsible
b. Administrative date for the feature
c. Documentation
d. Feature maintenance.
4. A payroll period is defined as the period for which a payroll result is created.
a. True
b. False.
5. Which of the following items is NOT contained in the payroll log?
a. General data
b. Successful employee numbers
c. Rejections
d. Messages
e. Control record.
f. Advance payments can be made using the following options. Which of the statement is incorrect?
g. After the first payroll run. A pre-programme DME can be processed; the flag for transfers must be set. The balance of the payment is made after the second payroll run
h. Advance payment can be made without running a payroll, paying directly from infotypes 0008, 0014 and 0015.
i. Advance payments can be made using an off-cycle payroll run
j. Advance payments can be processed in SAP.
6. The following are valid public holidays in SAP: More than one answer is correct.
a. A movable holiday
b. Distance to Christmas
c. Fixed day from date
d. Fixed date
e. Special days.
f. Which of the following are contained in the SAP Reference IMG? More than one answer is correct.
g. All documentation required to implement a specific application
h. Project documentation
i. Status management
j. User master records
k. IMG activities.
7. There are three levels of the IMG. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. SAP Reference IMG
b. Project view
c. Data Entry profile
d. Enterprise IMG
e. Project IMG.
8. Which of the following statements are FALSE? More than one answer is correct.
a. Only the Active Plan version can be used in Organizational Management reporting
b. The PLOGI entry defines the default payroll area
c. The PLOGI ORGA entry in table T77S0 activates integration between OM and PA
d. The PLOGI feature can be used in conjunction with the PLOGI ORGA active entry to restrict integration to different groups of employees.
e. In the number range setup for Plan version, the subgroup $$S, stands for? Select only ONE.
f. All number ranges not listed explicitly
g. External number assignment for object type ‘S’ in all Plan versions
h. Number assignment for object ‘S’ in all Plan versions
i. All are false
j. All are true.
9. Highlight the true statement below:
a. Relationships are special subtype of the Relationship infotype
b. All infotypes must have subtype assigned to them
c. Each relationship between internal objects have two directions, indicated by ‘A’ meaning ‘Top Down’ and ‘B’ meaning ‘Bottom Up’
d. Relationships in the customer namespace must with a numeric character.
e. Which of the following are valid relationships between the objects listed? More than one answer is correct.
f. C B007 T
g. S A008 P
h. O B002 O
i. O B002 S
j. S B002 S
10. True or False:
a. Characteristics can be assigned to relationships for example weightings
b. When creating an object, the essence relationship must be defined
c. All relationships are stored in table HRRP1001
d. Time constraints are assigned to relationships and can be dependent on the target object type
e. Objects can only be created in the planned status.
f. Which of the following is not a valid user interface for maintaining organization management objects/infotypes?
g. Simple maintenance for creating large structures
h. Organisation and staffing for day to day maintenance
i. Manager’s Desktop for maintenance
j. Expert mode: infotype maintenance
k. Dynamic organization menu.
l. There are three ways to plan organizational changes in SAP. Which of the following is NOT one of these options?
m. Planning status for objects and infotypes
n. Validity periods
o. Account assignment
p. Plan versions.
q. Information regarding planned compensation can be stored on the following infotype:
r. 1001
s. 1002
t. 1003
u. 1004
v. 1005.
11. True or False:
a. Vacant positions can be marked obsolete
b. Cost centres are assigned to organizational units in infotype 1008
c. Quota planning can be calculated using FTE’s
d. Actions can set up to create objects
e. The work schedule stored in infotype 1011 can be defaulted into infotype 0007 on a Hiring action.
12. Which of the following are prerequisite for MSS or MDT?
a. A valid organization structure
b. The manager must be a person in the system
c. The Communication infotype 0105 and subtype 0001 must be maintained
d. The manager must in chief position.
13. What is the purpose of the ‘Evaluation path’ in Human Resources?
a. To determine the order in which infotypes are proposed by the R/3 system for editing
b. To assign employee groups to working time groups
c. To enable one to report on structural information in Organizational Management
d. To set up the path to allows the connection an electronic communication system within SAP R/3
14. Which of the following statements are TRUE?
a. Data transfer from HR PA – OM using RHINTE00 allows all relationships be created
b. Report RHINTE30 data transfer from OM – PA can be run even though the integration between OM and PA is not active
c. Report RHINTE20 is used on an ongoing basis to check consistency between PA and OM
d. Report RHINTE10 can be used to create entries in PA from OM.
e. Which reporting functions are provided in the Human Resources Information System? More than one answer is correct.
f. HIS which allows reporting using structural graphics
g. Manager’s desktop
h. The Report tree allows access to standard SAP report as well as customer defined reports, via hierarchical structures
i. Ad hoc query, allowing one to create reports on Human Resources data simply and efficiently
j. Business Information Warehouse.
k. What are the recommended steps when creating an infoset? More than one answer is correct.
l. Assign infoset to user group(s)
m. Create user groups
n. Create and generate an infoset
o. Select a logical database
p. Create local fields.
15. Which of the following are FALSE for user groups?
a. User groups can only be assigned one infoset
b. User can be assigned to several user groups
c. Every user in a particular user group can execute the querys that belong to another user group
d. User cannot change querys that belong to another group.
16. Which of the following are TRUE regarding Ad hoc query?
a. Can be used for both HR Master data and Payroll results
b. Complex querys can be created using set operations
c. Local fields can be created for use within an ad hoc query
d. Only fields that have been assigned to the field group in the infoset are available for reporting.
17. True or False:
a. The new query generator in logical database PNPCE provides 2 switches: general for the infoset and infotype specific
b. The logical database PNP is no longer used or supported by SAP
c. A logical database is a view of the database of tapes
d. PNPCE is an enhancement of PNP and incorporates changes for Concurrent employment
e. When creating queries in the standard area, the queries can be used in all clients.
18. Which of the following statements is true regarding payroll infotypes?
a. They are used for reporting payroll results
b. Must be filled using a report
c. Must not be generated
d. Can be created using dialog or primary wage types directly in the infotypes
e. Can be maintained in PA30.
f. The following are simulated Time Management infotypes: More than one answer is correct.
2500 Personal work schedule times
g. 2501 Employee times
h. 2502 Quota transaction
i. 2503 Weekly time sheet.
The HR authorizations are different from other authorizations in the following ways:
• Protect sensitive data
Data in Human Resource application components is more sensitive than data in other applications. For legal and company reasons, this data must be protected from unauthorized access.
• Technical differences
Because HR authorizations protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, they cannot be deactivated using transactions SU22 "Authorization Object Usage in Transactions" and SU24 "Authorization Object Check Under Transactions."
The names of all HR authorization objects start with P.
• Time-dependency
Authorizations in the Human Resources (HR) component depend on the organizational assignment, among other things. Organizational assignments are time-dependent. If employees are transferred, for example, their organizational assignment can change. Therefore, HR authorization checks are time-dependent.

SAP HR Academy Questions - 7

1. Which of the following are checked in the counting rules for absence/attendances?
a. Conditions for planned hours
b. Conditions for work schedule
c. Quota sequence for the next deduction
d. Conditions for the current day.
2. Mark the FALSE entries below:
a. Overtime describes work hours that an employee performs inside his/her daily schedule hours
b. Time quotas can be specified for days
c. Absence/attendance type are identified with four digits as opposed to the two digits for the quota types’
3. Select the statements that are correct:
a. Infotype menus and Personnel actions are configurable and can be defined as User group dependent
b. The system used the Reference User group to determines the menu layout if the infotype menu does not contain an entry for the User groups
c. Actions are a list of infotypes to allow maintenance to be carried out on, when making use of transaction code PA30, Maintain HR Master data
d. The Personnel action attributes define whether or not an employee’s organizational assignment and status indicators are allowed to be changed, when executing an action
e. The Additional actions infotype0302 has time constraint 1 which means that one can only have one valid infotype 0302 record in the system.
4. Which of the following are TRUE with regard to Dynamic Actions?
a. It controls which activities are triggered when an infotype record is maintained
b. It can be used for applications, Personnel administration and Recruitment
c. The maintenance operation ‘06’ allows an activity to be carried out when the infotype record is deleted
d. To make use of the activity ‘M’ – Send mail, the administrator’s name, SAP user names for administrator must exist
e. Can be triggered by an infotype, subtype or infotype field.
5. Which of the following is NOT a valid action in Dynamic actions?
a. P – Plausibility
b. M- Send mail
c. I- Infotype maintenance
d. F- Call routine
e. Edit infotype
6. Which of the following allows one to customize an infotype user interface? More than one answer is correct:
a. Screen headers
b. Dynamic actions
c. Features
d. Infotype menu
e. Screen modifications.
7. Select the statements that are TRUE when dealing with Screen headers: (More than on answer is correct)
a. Only the first three lines on single and list screen can be customized
b. It is not necessary to regenerate headers if changes have been made to the Header tables
c. Each screen header is assigned a modifier, which depends on the transaction class ‘A – Personnel Administration’ and ‘B – Recruitment’
d. Headers must be regenerated after maintenance level upgrades
e. A photo can be incorporated into the screen header.
8. Which of the following statements are FALSE?
a. The authorizations concepts allows one to define access rights and then assign these rights to users
b. The authorizations requires for a certain task area in a company are grouped in an authorizations profile
c. Authorizations object is made up of a maximum five authorization fields
d. The authorizations profile and authorizations are only found in the active version of the SAP system
9. Which of the following statements that follow are correct with regard to authorization objects? (More than one answer is correct.)
a. Several authorization objects, are checked by the system in ‘OR’ links
b. The field defined in the object checked in ‘AND’ links
c. Fields like infotypes, personnel subareas, employee groups and employee subgroups, are grouped in the object, ‘HR Master data’
d. The authorizations for Human Resources are maintained in the object class HR
e. The HR: Extended Master data check, is the most important object in Human Resources.
10. Which of the following are advantages of the Profile Generator OVEP that of the Manual procedure
a. Automatically generates authorization profile
b. Maintenance of authorization and profiles are made easier
c. Authorization profiles are only created once the administrator has chose the transactions that the users require, thereby ensuring that unwanted objects are not included in the profiles
d. Transaction codes are automatically selected as a result of creating the Role Menu.
11. Which of the options listed below covers or describes the term Payroll Accounting?
a. The post Payroll activities such as transferring payroll results to Finance, reconciliation and reporting
b. The proportional calculation of periodical remuneration also called, ‘Factoring’
c. The classification of recorded personnel times and to evaluate them automatically
d. An umbrella term for performing a variety of work processes like creating payroll results, remuneration statements and to calculate remuneration for work performed by individual employees.
12. Which of the following are TRUE for Retroactive accounting?
a. Because of automatic retroactive accounting recognition in the R/3 system, it does not allow one to change the Payroll results directly
b. No maintenance is allowed for infotypes for accounting periods that have been completed and exited
c. The ‘Earliest Master data Change’ field in infotype 0003, Payroll status, is set to the earliest date when changes can be made to, in the payroll past
d. Retroactive account relevance can be defined for an infotype or infotype field.
13. Which of the following changes in employee data can trigger Retroactive accounting for periods that have already been accounted?
a. Qualification infotype 0024
b. Cost centre
c. Payments and deductions
d. Future increases in Basic Pay, infotype 0008.
14. Select the FALSE statement below: Only ONE should be selected.
a. The exact start and date of the payroll periods must be defined for Payroll areas
b. Payroll period determines the periods for which a payroll result is created
c. Payroll period is used to group employees, for whom Payroll accounting is performed at the same time
d. Payroll periods are generated, allowing them to be linked with time units attached to appropriate period parameters or modifiers.
15. The Control record performs the following functions in Payroll accounting:
a. Defines the payroll past for retroactive accounting recognition
b. Locks Master and Time data so no changes can be made during the payroll process for past and present/current data
c. Co-ordinates the different stages of payroll accounting process
d. Keeps track of the terminated employees in each payroll run, that is, match code ‘W’ is set for each number.
16. Which of the following fields are automatically updated by the SAP system for infotype 0003 (Payroll status)?
a. Earliest personnel retroactive accounting date
b. The Payroll correction indicator
c. Accounting To field
d. Run Payroll un to, which is used if an employee, have not been concluded
e. Personnel Number locked indicator.
17. Which of the following values is retroactive accounting based on?
a. Employee hiring date
b. Per Payroll period
c. Payroll control record
d. Payroll status infotype
18. Which of the following are TRUE for the posting to Payroll results to the FI/CO module?
a. Can only be performed after a successful payroll run and takes place once for each payroll period
b. The Cost accounting department are interested in the flow of payments and to provide the necessary financial resources, while the Financial accounting department need to know where the costs arise so that budget can be controlled
c. The posting run flags employee payroll result to ensure that duplicate runs cannot be posted
d. Document numbers are generated for the transactions and each step in the posting process is controlled via Status codes
e. In an integrated system, the Financial Accounting document can only be accessed via the Finance module.
19. Which of the following need to be done to obtain a successful bank transfer?
a. The Bank Details infotype 0009, must be present for an employee to determine whether a cheque or bank transfer is generated
b. The preliminary DME (Date Medium Exchange) programme must be executed to extract data from the data based PCL1, cluster B1
c. The temporary file holding the extracted bank details, must be in the format required by the specific banking regulations of the country
d. The unique identification number generated by the preliminary programme, together with the correct date must be used in the final DME.
20. Which of the following are TRUE?
a. Payroll accounting, processes each employee one at a time
b. Individual valuations bases for hourly wage, the calculation step, ‘Division by Working hours per period’ is mandatory on order to determine the hourly rate as that overtime pay can be calculated
c. Factoring refers to the Proportions calculation of periodical remuneration
d. The payroll area may be changed during a payroll period as often as required
e. When an employee leaves the company, all pay related infotypes must be delimited to ensure that no pay related information is delimited to ensure that no pay is generated in the terminated period.
f. Select ONE statement below that best describes the main objects of Time Evaluation.
g. The evaluation component accesses the time wage types determined by payroll accounting, to form the basis for gross payroll of employees
h. A type of remuneration whereby, the employee is paid for attending work, irrespective of the amount that he/she produces
i. To check and classify the recorded personnel times and to valuate then automatically, with focus on the management of time accounts and formation of wage types determining gross wages in Payroll accounting
j. To pay employees.
k. If a time recording system is used when working with time evaluation, which of the following infotypes MUST be maintained
l. Basic Pay (0008)
m. Personal data (0002)
n. Time Recording information (0050)
o. Organizational assignment (0001)
p. Planned Working Time (0007)
q. Which time management status indicates that Time Management data is processed in R/3 Payroll accounting, instead of using the Time evaluation driver?
r. Evaluation of times (1)
s. Evaluation planned times (2)
t. No time evaluation (0)
u. PDC time evaluation (2).
21. Which of the following are TRUE with regards to Time events?
a. Time events can be recorded manually using IT2011
b. Time events are clocking in and clocking out entries which are recorded electronically at time recording terminals using a time recording ID card
c. The ‘Previous day’ indicator allocates the time event to the day to which it logically belongs, that is, the current or previous day
d. All the above.
22. Which statement(s) is NOT true with regard to Time evaluation?
a. Time evaluation is carried out by the Time evaluation driver (RPTIME00)
b. It is recommended to run Time evaluation overnight on daily basis
c. Time evaluation can be processed for planned or actual times
d. Time evaluation can be run using schemas TM00, TM04, or TQT4
e. Time evaluation cannot allocate quota
23. Which of the following statements best describes Asymmetrical authorizations?
a. Both authorization profiles are identical
b. One profile contains the lock authorizations (E) and the other contains the unlock authorization level (D)
c. Two profiles are created with the same authorizations using the authorization level (S)
d. Only one person is required for data entry.
e. Which of the following statements is true regarding Payroll posting to Accounting?
f. Use the ‘T’ to process a simulation run which will create documents
g. The simulation run can be posted to Accounting
h. A ‘live’ run is processed using the ‘P’ indicator and creates documents as well as checking that HR/FI records exist and balance
i. A posting run that has been posted to FI/CO cannot be reversed.
24. Pay scale reclassification refers to:
a. A change in pay scale groups and levels for employees based on Master data
b. A change in wage types based on hours worked
c. Increasing the values in the pay scale tables
d. Creating a new infotype 0008 record using an enhanced pay increase
e. A dynamic pay increase.
25. How can user levels be controlled? More than one answer is correct.
a. System view
b. Controlling view
c. Tracking changes
d. Controlling access.
e. Features can be maintained using transaction PE02 and accessing IMG menu paths?
f. True
g. False
h. The following are valid break points used in the payroll process model: (More than one answer is correct).
i. A waypoint that requires intervention
j. Conditional based on the number of records processed
k. Unconditional point where the programme will stop regardless of errors
l. Variable based on a function module
m. Break points based on programme errors.

SAP HR Academy Questions - 6

1. Which values are used to determine the reactive accounting limit? Note: More than one answer is correct.
a. Personnel control record: “Earliest retroactive accounting period”
b. Infotype 0002 (Personal Data): “Birth date”
c. Hiring date of the employee
d. Infotype 0003 (Payroll status): “Earliest personal retroactive accounting date”:
e. Infotype 0001 (Organizational assignment): “From date”
2. Where can you set the earliest retroactive accounting date for an employee?
a. Infotype 0002 (Personal data)
b. Infotype 0003 (Payroll status)
c. Personnel Control Record
d. Infotype 0001 (Organizational assignment).
3. How can features be used in HR? Note: More than one answer is correct.
a. To see default values for mass data infotypes
b. To control the display of country-specific infotype screens
c. To start the payroll run for groups personnel numbers from different countries
d. To define SAP office mail options to be used when master data infotypes are updated.
4. When creating a new infotype 0008 (Basic pay) record, which default value can be determined from assignment to personnel subarea or from feature TARIF? Note: More than one answer is correct.
a. Pay scale type from its assignment to personnel subarea
b. Pay scale group from its assignment to feature TARIF
c. Pay scale area from its assignment to personnel subarea
d. Pay scale level from its assignment to feature TARIF.
5. Identify the correct statements: Note: More than one answer is correct.
a. All employee who are paid at the same time for the same period can be assigned to the same payroll accounting area
b. A default value for payroll accounting area in the personal data infotype (0002) can be defined in the decision tree of feature ABKRS
c. Employees assigned to different personnel areas have to be assigned to different payroll accounting area
d. The current payroll period is determined using a payroll control record that stores the last period accounted and/to the next period to be accounted.
6. What is checked by the system when a work schedule rule is entered in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007)? Note: more than one answer is correct.
a. Employee subgroup grouping for absence and attendance
b. Employee subgroup grouping for the work schedule
c. Personnel subarea grouping for work schedule
d. The public holiday calendar
e. Personnel subarea grouping for absences and attendances.
7. Substitution in the HR system involves either working times that differ from those specified n the personnel work schedule, or different payment for performing actions. There is Substitution infotype (2003) for entering this type of exception. Which substitution can be entered in this infotype?
a. Substitution with individually defined work schedule (Time substitution)
b. Substitution with different defined work schedule
c. Substitution with individually defined work rule
d. Substitution with different position.
8. What infotype is checked to ascertain whether a monthly work schedule is permitted for an employee?
a. Planned Working Time (0007)
b. Basic Pay (0008)
c. Organizational assignment (0001)
d. Absence quota (2006)
e. Payroll status (0003).
9. Which is not a valid statement about what Time Evaluation allows you to do?
a. You can evaluate and compensate planned and active time specifications
b. You can diagnose error
c. You can calculate time balances which are cumulated daily and periodically
d. You can generate time wages types automatically
e. You can track cost allocation of individual time recording.
10. Which statements are true? Note: More than one answer is correct.
a. Work schedules require a public holiday calendar
b. A monthly work schedule is assigned to an employee via the work schedule rule in the Organizational assignment infotype (0001)
c. The monthly schedule is based on the period work schedule
d. An employee can be assigned to more than one work schedule at the same time.
11. Which feature is used to default the work schedule in infotype in 0007 in Time Management?
e. None of the above.
12. Which statements are correct? Note: More than one answer is correct?
a. Monthly work schedules are generated from the work schedule rule
b. Daily work schedules are used to represent the variety of different working time models in an enterprise
c. A daily work schedule variant is a daily work schedule that differs only slightly from the regular daily work schedule
13. How do you specify which employees take part in Time Evaluation?
a. In the Time Management field in the Actions infotype (0000)
b. A fixed assignment doesn’t exist. You can do Time Evaluation for anyone
c. In the Time Management status field in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007)
d. In the Time Management status field in the Organizational assignment infotype (0001)
14. Which statements on wage types are true? Note: More than one answer is correct.
a. Time wage type can be generated in Time Evaluation (RPTIME00)
b. Time wage type can be generated in Payroll accounting (RPCALCX0)
c. Time wage type can be created and evaluated in Time Evaluation (RPTIME00)
d. Time wage type is evaluated in Payroll Accounting (RPCALCX0).
15. Which infotypes are required to carry out Time Evaluation? Note: More than one answer is correct?
a. Basic Pay (0008)
b. Date specifications (0041)
c. Personal data (0002)
d. Organizational assignment (0001)
16. Employee sub grouping are defined for:-
a. Work schedule
b. Time quotas
c. Daily work schedule
d. Absence and attendance types.
17. The quota selection rule group is defaulted using feature QUOMO:
a. True
b. False.
18. Work schedule specifications are stored in which of the following levels:-
a. Monthly level
b. Hourly level
c. Weekly level
d. Daily level.
19. True or False:
a. The smallest unit of work schedule is the daily work schedule
b. Daily work schedule contains information about the individual work day, including break times and alternative versions of the daily work schedule
c. Break schedules can only be assigned to one daily work schedule
d. One can indicate whether or not overtime is permitted in daily work schedule
e. Daily work schedule class and day type have the same meaning
f. A variant rule may contain several sub rules.
20. Which of the following describes the purposes of the day types?
a. Day types determine which day of the week it is
b. Day types determine whether or not overtime hours need to be paid on weekends and public holidays
c. Day types determine whether employees have to on public holidays and whether they are still paid on these days.
21. Which is of the following are correct as far as work schedules are concerned?
a. Several work schedules rules can be based on one period work schedule
b. The public holiday calendar is taken into account when generating the work schedule
c. The data stored in the Organizational assignment infotype (0001) determines whether a monthly work schedule is permitted for a certain employee
d. The monthly work schedule can only be generated if all the required grouping have been set and the work schedule rule has been defined
e. A monthly work schedule generated from January to December of a specific year must also include December of the previous year and January of the subsequent year.
22. Which of the options below allow part-time working provision to be set for part-time workers in the industry?
a. Making use of the Dynamic Daily Work Schedule function to set variable working time, by entering Min and Max working hours
b. By reducing the employee’s basic salary by the required percentage
c. Creating separate work schedule rules catering for fewer hours or days
d. Set the employment percentage as well as working hours/day, week, month and year in infotype 0007
23. Specify which of the following are TRUE.
a. Attendances are unpaid planned work times that are worked
b. Absences are either paid or unpaid planned work times that are not worked
c. Attendances in Personnel Time Management are times in which employees are not at their usual work centre at work, but are still working at the enterprise
d. Absences and attendances quota is a limited time – based entitlement for an employee.
24. Which of the following substitution methods/types are valid for infotype 2003?
a. Default position
b. Different payroll area
c. By personnel number
d. Different work schedule rule
e. By position
25. Which of the following are catered for in Deduction rules for absences/attendances quota types?
a. The unit of measure hours/days
b. Conditions to be checked for the current day
c. Employee subgroup grouping and personnel subarea grouping for time quotas
d. Deduction priority

SAP HR Academy Questions - 5

1. There are two methods for time recording. Both methods require a valid work schedule. Which info-types are work schedule deviations recorded on? (More than one answer is

a. 2006
b. 2001
c. 2007
d. 2010
e. 2011
2. Overlapping absence subtypes are checked for using: (More than one answer is correct)
a. Time Constraints
b. Time Constraints and Collision tables
c. Collision at the subtype
d. None of the above
3. To default a work schedule in infotype 0007, the following feature should be used:
4. Substitution allows employees to deviate from work schedule. Compensation can be recorded in:
a. Infotype 0014
b. Infotype 0015
c. Infotype 2003
d. Infotype 2001
e. Infotype 2004
5. The deduction rules for absence and attendance quotas are dependant upon: (more than one answer is correct)
a. Personnel subarea grouping for Time quotas
b. Employee subgroup grouping for Time quotas
c. The counting rule assigned to the absence and attendance type
d. Time Constraint classes and Collision tables
e. The Work Schedule Rule
6. Client-independent elements are objects that are used in all clients. Which of the following objects can be defined as client- independent: (more than one answer is correct)
a. Data structures, eg. field definitions, table structure, file set up
b. HR master records
c. Transactions
d. Authorization profiles
e. Help documentation
7. Wage types represent one of the most important concepts in the HR Management System. What are their basic functions? (More than one answer is correct)
a. To define the pay scale groups for each subgroup grouping
b. To perform indirect valuation on an hourly or monthly basis
c. To assign payments and deductions and control the payroll program
d. To check the validity of data entered in infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)
8. You can assign an employee to a pay scale structure when you maintain infotype
a. 0002
b. 0001
c. 0000
d. 0006
9. The pay scale structure includes the following: (More than one answer is correct)
a. Regional
b. International
c. Industry-specific
d. Financial
e. Time related
10. You can define default values for the pay scale area and type
a. True
b. False
11. The pay scale type represents the pay scale regulations or collective agreement according to which employees are paid:
a. True
b. False
12. Which of the following are the main wage types: (More than one answer is correct)
a. Primary or dialog wages types
b. Permissibility wage types
c. Technical wage types
d. Evaluation wage types
13. What is the description for infotype 0014?
a. Banking details
b. Address
c. Recurring payments and deductions
d. Additional payments
14. Which valuations of wage types below are correct? (More than one answer is correct)
a. Direction valuation
b. Personnel area valuation
c. Indirect valuation
d. Direct valuation
15. For modules PRZNT and SUMME:
a. Variant D means the wage type being evaluated should not be on the infotype
b. Can be used for wage types in all infotypes
c. Variant I the wage type being evaluated should not be on the infotype
d. Entries must be made in the base wage type valuation table
16. It is possible to default wage types using:
a. Wage types in a feature
b. A wage type mode
c. Planned compensation infotype 1005
d. A personnel action
17. Which feature is used to default wage types in infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)
d. Module TARIF
18. Which of the following permissibility checks do wage types have? (More then one answer is correct)
a. For each company code and personnel area
b. For each employee group/subgroup
c. For each infotype
d. For the number of times the wage type can be entered in the infotype in one payroll period
19. The Payroll past covers the period between the retroactive accounting limit and the end of the last period. Which statement is true?
a. If you maintain an infotype relevant to retroactive accounting and its validity date overlaps the payroll past, the reactive accounting date is to the end date for the infotype
b. The period beginning on 01.01.1950 represents the default value for the earliest reactive accounting period
c. The absolute retroactive accounting date for a personnel number is always the employee’s entry date
d. Retroactive accounting is always activated when a Master data infotype is updated and it’s From date is in the past.
20. To access Payroll Accounting, choose – Payroll – Payroll’. Which following menu options can be found in this menu? Note: More than one answer is correct.
a. Start payroll
b. Exist payroll
c. Delete payroll
d. Simulate
21. Which of the following statements are true? Note: More than one answer is correct.
a. The earliest retroactive accounting limit for an employee is the entry date
b. Personnel numbers are only selected for payroll run if they belong to a payroll accounting areas that has previously been released
c. Employees that are incorrect in the payroll run can be identified in the control record
d. An employee can move from one payroll accounting are to another at any time.
22. The connection between groups of employees and running the payroll is:
a. Payroll scheme
b. Permissibility of wage type by groupings
c. Employee subgroups for personnel calculation rules
d. Payroll area
e. None of the above.
23. In Payroll Accounting identify key topics when configuring a company’s payroll system. Note: More than one answer is correct.
a. Definition of wage types
b. Wage type generation
c. Personnel calculation rules
d. Valuation of wage types
e. None of the above.
24. Wage types can be evaluated using: Note more than one answer is correct.
a. Constant valuation bases
b. Averages
c. During the payroll process
d. Indirect valuation modules
25. Which system message appears if you want to change an infotype relevant to reactive accounting and the start date for this infotype lies before the earliest retroactive accounting limit?
a. Error: Change too far in payroll past
b. Info: Change has been made
c. Warning: Change has been made
d. No message appears.

SAP HR Academy Questions - 4

1. The following is used to plan personnel development for a specific employee:
a. A career plant
b. A general development plan
c. An individual development plan
d. An organizational plan
2. The SAP Appraisal component offers the following appraisal models: (more than one of the following are correct)
a. 360 degrees appraisal
b. Training evaluation
c. Personnel appraisal
d. Management by objectives
e. None of the above
3. Objectives in an appraisal should be:
a. Specific
b. Measurable
c. Accountable
d. Realistic
e. Optional
4. Which of the following statements are incorrect?
a. Job evaluation information is stored in infotype 1050
b. Salary survey information is stored in infotype 1051
c. Planned remuneration is stored in infotype 1005
d. A budget is required to perform compensation adjustments
e. A job evaluation is required for all jobs in an organization
5. There are three types of Planned compensation: Fixed, Variable and Pay scale
a. True
b. False
6. Which of the following regarding compensation categories are incorrect?
a. All categories update infotype 0380
b. Fixed compensation adjustments create infotype 0015
c. Variable adjustments create infotypes 0008 and 0015
d. Long term incentives create Awards infotype 0382
7. In Compensation Management: (more than one of the following are correct)
a. Guidelines are compulsory
b. There are three types of guideline: fixed, matrix and user defined
c. Eligibility rules determine the participation in an adjustment
d. The calculation base is the budget for increases
8. Personnel Cost Planning information can be used for: (more than one of the following are correct)
a. Reporting in Business Warehouse
b. Salary budget in Compensation Management
c. Budget for Training and Event Management
d. Input to Controlling
e. Scenario simulation
9. The SAP system saves the collected data in Personnel Cost Planning infotypes 0666 and 0667 for employee and organizational data.
a. True
b. False
10. The required infotype for Travel Management are:
a. 0001
b. 0002
c. 0006
d. 0009
e. 0017
11. In Personnel Development, requirements can be defined as those skills a person is required to have in order to fill a position.
a. True
b. False
12. Select the correct statement for Personnel Cost Planning and simulation component
a. Cost items are not used
b. Data collection makes collected data in the database available as infotypes, thereby forming the basis for cost planning runs
c. Data collection takes place after a planning run
d. Released personnel cost plans are made available for logistics in particular
e. Data can be collected for employees only, and not for organizational objects
13. Day to day activities in Training and Event Management include:
a. Firmly book/cancel
b. Rebook
c. Pre-book
d. Lock/unlock
e. Follow-up
14. With regards to booking priorities, the following is true:
a. Normal bookings are accepted when capacity is between minimum and maximum
b. Essential bookings are created once optimum capacity has been reached
c. Waitlisted bookings cannot be recorded
d. Booking priorities refer to the management level of the employee
15. Jobs are used in the following application components: (more than one of the following are correct)
a. Personnel Cost Planning
b. Personnel Administration
c. Organizational Management
d. Personnel Development
e. Shift Planning
16. If the Recruitment component is integrated with OM, you maintain vacancies in Organizational Management.
a. True
b. False
17. Can Attendances be cancelled in the Dynamic Attendances menu?
a. Yes
b. No
18. The Implementation Guide is a tool to help with implementing and customizing. Customizing is a method that supports the following situation: (more than one answer is correct)
a. Implementing the SAP R/3 system
b. Enhancing the SAP R/3
c. With a release upgrade
d. With a system rollout
19. Select criteria you would take into account when defining personnel sub areas
a. Collective Agreement Provision, because they can only be determined by personnel subareas
b. Personnel subareas for personnel calculation rule because this determines how the employees of a personnel subarea are processed in payroll
c. Time Management groups
d. Public holiday calendar
20. Which of the following statements are correct? (more than one answer is correct)
a. Employee subgroup grouping for CAP controls employment assignment to pay scale areas
b. Employee subgroup grouping for CAP are for statistical purposes only
c. Entries are stored in the pay scale table for each employee sub-grouping for CAP
d. Employee subgroup sub-grouping for CAP controls employee assignments to pay scale type
e. You can group together any employee subgroups that have same CAP.
21. When creating a new record for basic pay IT 0008, which default values can be determined from assignment to a personnel subarea or from TARIF feature
a. Pay scale area from assignment to personnel subarea
b. Pay scale type from assignment to personnel subarea
c. Pay scale group from assignment to personnel TARIF
d. Pay scale level from assignment to personnel TARIF
22. Which of the following is correct: (more than one answer is correct)
a. Time constraint 2 means 2 records with overlapping periods exist. Gaps permitted
b. Time constraint 1 means if a record is deleted, validity period of preceding record is extended
c. Time constraint 3 means if a record is deleted, validity period of the preceding record is extended
d. When creating, changing or deleting records, time constraints regulate the validity of infotype records.
23. What is the purpose of an information groups
a. To define the value of status indicators in Action IT 0000
b. To determine sequence of infotypes processes in an personnel action according to user group
c. To define personnel actions that are available for a user
d. A logical grouping of data fields
24. In Personnel Administration, what is the name given to a wage type stored in infotypes?
a. Technical wage type
b. Derived wage type
c. Dialog/primary wage type
d. Statement wage type
e. Which of the following statements about management of global employees are correct
f. Management of Global employees is the component used to keep track of and streamline international assignments within a global company
g. When a global assignment is activated, a pay relevant IT 0709 is used for the compensation package
h. The external person ID is stored in IT0706
i. In the process of managing global employees, the employees are active in both the host and home countries.
25. You have created several reports to be used by your personnel administrators on an
on-going basis.
What is the best method to five easy access to these reports to al of the administrators?
a. Add the transaction code of the reports to the P_TCODE authorizations object
b. Create a profile to include the reports and assign the profile to the individual users using the user compare
c. Create a reporting role for your administrators using the role menu. Assign the user role to the administrator job using indirect role assignment
d. Include the reports on the SAP Easy Access menu

SAP HR Academy Questions - 3

1. The Time Evaluation driver is RPCALC00:
a. True
b. False
2. Results of Time Evaluation include the following: (more than one answer is correct)
a. Time accounts
b. Time wage types
c. Time events
d. Messages
3. Select four steps that make up the Cross Application Time Sheet Process
a. Approving Time data
b. Confirming for Production Planning (PP)
c. Entering data in the time sheets
d. Transferring time data to the target components
e. Realizing time data
4. Which of the following are required to use the Cross Application Time Sheet?
a. Data Entry Profile for recording the employee related time data
b. Number Range interval for the Plan Version 01
c. HR Mini – Master
d. The necessary authorizations must be set up for CATS
5. What are the minimum infotypes require for the CATS – HR Mini- Master, should HR not be implemented
a. 0315 – Time Sheet defaults
b. 0002 – Personal data
c. 2002 – Attendances
d. 0007 – Planned Working Time
e. 0001 – Organizational assignment
6. Attendances and absences are used to:
a. Determine pay
b. Compile statistics
c. Determine organization assignment
d. Manage Time accounts
7. In Shift Planning, requirements include the following:
a. Time information
b. No of employees
c. Jobs
d. Qualifications
e. Validity period
8. Which of the following statements are correct?
a. PA30 is the transaction code to perform Personnel Actions
b. PA70 us the transaction code to maintain Master data
c. PA61 is the transaction code used to Maintain Time data
d. PA40 is the transaction code used to Maintain Master data
9. When using the Business Warehouse, which of the following areas provides HR Business content? (more than one of the following is correct)
a. Browser
b. Benefits
c. Analyser
d. Recruitment
10. When running an Ad hoc query, the system automatically generates an ABAP report:
a. True
b. False
11. The Manager’s Desktop (MDT): (More than one of the following are true)
a. Display current date directly from the database
b. Can be customized
c. Is totally different from MSS
d. Allows managers to perform actions
12. A report can be created?
a. In Manager’s Desktop and using the Business Information Warehouse
b. Using structured reports from the SAP Easy Access Menu
c. In Microsoft excel
d. Using Ad hoc query
13. How do you administer various source systems in the Business Information Warehouse?
a. Using Personnel Administration
b. Using the Administrator’s Workbench
c. Using the Personnel workbench
14. In Recruitment, how many levels of data records are there?
a. 4
b. 3
c. 0
d. 2
15. In Recruitment, the system allows you to hire for a vacancy that has been assigned to the applicant in infotype 4002:
a. True
b. False
16. Where do you create the requirements of a position or qualification profiles for applicants?
a. In the Personnel Administration and its applicant data transfer
b. In Manager’s desktop
c. In personnel Administration for internal applicants
d. In a person’s ID from Personnel Planning and Development area
e. In sub-profiles from Personnel Development
17. Identify the true and false statements below:
a. An applicant range is based on hierarchical and functional criteria
b. Applicant status is changed using an applicant action
c. An applicant group is used to assign applicants to a personnel officer
d. If recruitment is integrated with OM, you can create vacancies in Org and Staffing or detailed maintenance in OM.
18. The applicant overall status and vacancy assignment status are one and the same thing:
a. True
b. False
19. Which of the following in NOT a procedure of e-Recruitment?
a. Attraction
b. Retaining
c. Qualifying
d. Sourcing
e. Collaboration
f. Planning
20. Qualifications can be assigned the following additional attributes :
a. Alternative qualification
b. Proficiency scale
c. Validity period
d. Depreciation meter
e. None of the above
21. A proficiency scale for a qualification is assigned at the
a. Qualification level
b. Qualification level group
c. To the person having the qualification
d. Is not used
22. Business Event preparation refers to creating the following objects (more than one of the following are correct)
a. Cost items
b. Locations
c. Time schedules
d. Business event groups
e. Business event types
23. The following can be booked on a business event type:
a. Person
b. User
c. Organizational unit
d. Customer
e. None of the above
24. The SAP Learning Solution includes the following (more than one of the following are correct):
a. Content Management System
b. Learning Management System
c. SAP Tutor
d. Authoring tool
e. Web application server
25. Career Planning is planning an employee’s professional career, where Succession Planning means looking for a suitable candidate to fill a vacant post:
a. True
b. False

SAP HR Academy Questions - 2

1. Personnel Calculation rules (PCR) and Collective Agreement Provisions (PCR) are assigned to which HR structure groupings?
a. Enterprise structure
b. Personnel structure
c. Organizational structure
d. Payroll structure
2. Which of the following structures are used for Administrative functions? (more than one of the following are correct)
a. Enterprise structure
b. Controlling structure
c. Organizational structure
d. Personnel structure
e. Business event structure
3. Which of the following objects are external object types?
a. Applicant
b. Qualifications groups
c. Cost centre
d. Job
e. Business event type
4. Which of the following are basic objects used in Organizational Management
a. S
b. P
c. US
d. O
e. C
5. What is the purpose of an Evaluation path in HR
a. To determines the order in which infotypes are proposed by the SAP system for editing
b. To enable employee groups and subgroups to working time groups
c. To enable one to report on structural information in Organizational Management
d. To set up a path to allow the connection to an electric communication system within SAP R/3
6. Object characteristics are maintained in infotypes. The main characteristics are: (more than one of the following are correct)
a. Description
b. Object
c. Cost centres
d. Planned working time
e. Relationship
7. Sort the following steps in the correct order when building an Organizational plan in SAP
a. Assign persons
b. Create jobs
c. Create positions
d. Create organizational units
e. Create the root organizational unit
8. A person, object type ‘P’ can be assigned:
a. A position
b. A job
c. A vacancy
d. A task
e. An organizational unit
9. What are the different ways of processing infotypes records? (more than one of the following is correct)
a. Single screen maintenance – one infotype, one personnel number
b. Personnel Actions – many personnel numbers, one infotype
c. Fast entry – many personnel numbers, many infotypes
d. Fast entry of actions – one personnel number, many infotypes
10. Which of the following statements are incorrect?
a. You can restart a personnel action at any time
b. In Management of Global employees, each employee can have multiple assignments in different countries
c. Green ticks next to infotypes mean that records have been maintained for this infotype
d. Infotypes have names and 5 digit key
11. When hiring, employee data must be entered in the following infotypes: (more than one of the following is correct)
a. 0002
b. 2006
c. 0003
d. 0007
e. 0001
12. Infotype 0003 can be described by which of the following: (more than one answer is correct)
a. It contains the Payroll status
b. It is created programmatically by the system during the Hiring action
c. It can only exist for salaried employees
d. It is not created for backdated salary records.
13. Which of the following is the Contract Element infotype?
a. 0015
b. 0007
c. 0016
d. 0014
14. Which of the following infotypes are assigned Time Constraint 1 in the standard delivered system (more than one of the following are correct)
a. 0000 Actions
b. 0001 Organizational assignment
c. 0024 Qualifications
d. 0007 Planned Working Time
e. 0025 Appraisals
15. Which of the following accurately describes Time Contraint1? (more than one of the following are correct)
a. If it exists, it has to be unique, but the record does not have to exist
b. The records must exist
c. There can be no overlaps of records
d. There can be no gaps between the records
e. It does not have to exist
16. Which of the following best describes a Personnel Action
a. The specification of a function modules to control the format of the list output
b. Entries with different evaluation paths used for starting a report
c. The assignment of infotypes, in a logical order, to make up a complex work
d. None of the above
17. The title bar displays information on the current system status as well as messages.
a. True
b. False
18. Which of the following is incorrect? When hiring an employee, you must enter data in the following infotypes:
a. Planning Working Time
b. Absence quotas
c. Absences
d. Organizational assignment
19. The following utilities are available in master data maintenance: (more than one answer is correct)
a. Change entry/leaving date
b. Delete payroll results
c. Change personnel number
d. Delete personnel number
20. Which of the following infotypes are required for positive time keeping in the Time Management? (more than one of the following is correct)
a. Personnel action
b. Organizational assignment
c. Address
d. Personal data
e. Absences
21. Which are the different methods of recording Time Data in SAP?
a. Negative time recording
b. Recording deviations only
c. Recording actual times
d. Positive time recording
e. Planned time recording
22. Infotype 0050 is created using a dynamic action when position Time Management is used, and contains Time events:
a. True
b. False
23. You can changes existing or define new Public Holiday calendars?
a. True
b. False
24. If an employee forgets to sign out using Positive Time, the system will still process the working record in Time Evaluation:
a. True
b. False

25. The employee’s planned working time is represented in a work schedule. This is generated from: (more than one of the following are correct)
a. The daily work schedule
b. The public holiday calendar
c. The period work schedule
d. Planned working time

SAP HR Academy Questions

1. How many additional industry specific solutions does the mySAP suite offer?
a. 5
b. 14
c. 22
d. 7
e. 2
2. SAP Net weaver includes the following components (more than one answer is correct)
a. SAP Workbench Application Server
b. The Exchange Infrastructure
c. Information Integration
d. SAP R/3 Enterprise
e. All of the above
3. The SAP Customer Services Network includes: (More than one of the following)
a. Consulting for Business Solutions
b. Services for solutions operations
c. Training
d. Support
e. Enterprise Services Architecture
4. The difference between an ERP (Enterprise Resource System) and E-business is that E-Business uses the value of internal efficiency and optimization provided by the ERP and additionally offers the following: (more than one of the following is correct)
a. Extended collaborative functions
b. Generated value through collaborative possibilities
c. Seamless integration into heterogeneous landscape
d. Enterprise centric business model
5. E-Business is internally focused. It offers enterprise-centric functionality to integrate core process:
a. True
b. False
6. CRM is:
a. Supply Chain Management
b. Strategic Enterprise Management
c. Product Lifecycle
d. Customer Relationship Management
e. Supplier Relationship Management
7. Strategic Enterprise Management is split into the following functional areas: (More than one of the following are true)
a. Business Information Collection(BIC)
b. Business Planning and Simulation(BPS)
c. Business Consolidation(BCS)
d. Corporate Performance Monitor(CPM)
e. Stakeholder Relationship Management(SRM)
8. Single sign-on means that: (More than one of the following are correct)
a. The user can only sign on to one system
b. Is provided using the SAP Enterprise Portal
c. Users can access both SAP and non-SAP systems though a Web browser
d. Once the user has signed on, they can open six sessions
9. xApps:
a. are part of the mySAP Business Suite
b. are extensions to the R/3 Enterprise system
c. is a new breed of packaged composite applications that snap on to an existing heterogeneous IT environment
d. provide a blueprint for services based, enterprise scale business solutions
10. SAP’s Going Live check and Early Watch Alert and Check are program s provided by SAP to monitor the system before going-live ,to ensure optimal performance and reliability
a. True
b. False
11. Net weaver enables integration with Microsoft.Net environment s and IBM websphere environments on the following three levels: (more than one of the following are correct)
a. User level - through a portal
b. Information level – using business intelligence and knowledge management functions
c. Process level- through the exchange infrastructure
d. Technical level- using R/3 Enterprise
12. Which of the following products generates the blueprint for an SAP implementation?
a. SAP Solution Manager
b. SMA-Solution Management Assessment
c. SMO- Solution Management Optimisation
d. None of the above
13. What are the three key areas of SAP Solution Manager?
a. Operations
b. Monitoring
c. Support
d. Ad hoc query
e. Analysing technical risk
14. Identify the true and false statements below:
a. The SAP GUI is the standard program accessing almost all SAP solutions
b. A password is not required to logon to SAP
c. An administrator can set the number of sessions allowed to any value between 2 and 6 for all system users
d. The push buttons on the standard toolbar are shown on every SAP screen , even if they are not all active
15. Which of the following transactions entered into the command field is invalid?
a. /o
b. /oPA30
c. /nPA40
d. /i
e. /sPE03
16. How can you access an SAP transaction? (More than one of the following are correct)
a. Navigate through the SAP Easy Access Menu
b. Insert the transaction code in the command field
c. Using favourites
d. Using the search button
17. Identify the correct statements: (more than one of the following are correct)
a. A client represents a completely independent business entity and has its own database
b. An employee who moves from one client to another can keep the same employee number
c. You can use parameters to fill frequently used input fields with default values
d. You can call the context sensitive SAP library using the F1 key
e. With the personalisation options, you can change the size of input fields
18. Technical information can be found on a field when using:
a. The F4 help
b. The F1 help
c. The SAP library
d. The Application help
19. Which variable is used to determine the screen modification for Master Data:
a. User Group
b. Personnel Administration
c. Organisation key
d. Cost Centre
e. Payroll /Area
20. How many levels are there in the Enterprise structure
a. 4
b. 3
c. 1
d. 5
e. 6
21. Which of the following are structures within HR?( more than one of the following are correct)
a. Employee Group
b. Enterprise
c. Client
d. Organizational
e. Object
22. Which infotype contains information on the Personnel structure?
a. 0022 Education
b. 0001 Organizational assignment
c. 0002 Personal Data
d. 0007 Planned Working Time
23. The Enterprise structure consists of the following: (more than one of the following is correct)
a. Client
b. Company code
c. Employee group
d. Personnel area
e. Personnel sub area
24. Which of the following are true with regards client in SAP
a. It is not possible to assess personnel data in other client, this protects data from being accessed by unauthorized users
b. You cannot assign access authorizations or run evaluations for all clients
c. There is no exchange of date between clients
d. If an employee changes clients, you have to create the personnel number again
e. Data is not client specific
25. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a. The employee group is a general division of employees
b. An infotype is a logical grouping of data fields
c. The Company code is unique in each client
d. The payroll area is used to determine the CAP and PCR
e. An organizational plan provides a model of the structure and personnel environment at your enterprise.


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