SAP HR Academy Questions - 8
Friday, February 20, 2009
1. A project IMG has two icons which are:
a. IMG activity
b. Project documentation
c. Activity documentation
d. Project management
e. Project mandatory and critical items.
f. Feature NUMKR uses number ranges and information from infotype 0001 to default personnel numbers:
g. True
h. False.
2. Which of the following statements are correct?
a. LGMST has a return value that determines the maximum number of enterable wage types in infotypes 0008 and reads the wage type model
b. Default pay scale data is determined using module TARIF
c. Screen headers are determined using feature Pnnnn
d. The work schedule rule can be defaulted for Planned Working Time using feature ZLSCH.
e. When using the HR Master data extended check in HR authorizations, the following statement is incorrect:
f. The authorization object is P_ORGXX and deactivated in the delivered system
g. The fields SACHA, SACHP, SACHZ and SBMOD are filled from infotype 0001
h. The object is always checked when validating authorizations
i. This object cannot be used with P_ORGIN.
j. Which of the following statements regarding infotype menus and action menus are correct? More than one answer is correct.
k. An action menu is a collection of personnel actions presented to the user according to his/her group
l. An action menu is used to configure Dynamic actions
m. An infotypes menu defines which infotype a user is authorized to maintain
n. An infotype menu is a list of infotypes presented to the user.
o. In Master data maintenance, the following options are available in the Utilities menu: More than one answer is correct.
p. Delete personnel number
q. Restart a Personnel action
r. Change payroll status
s. Change entry/leaving date
t. Absence quotas.
u. Which of the following Time recording options are available in SAP Time Management? More than one answer is correct.
v. Employee Self Service
w. Time Manager’s Workplace
x. Clock in/clock out using a WAP enabled phone
y. Flextime sheet
z. Infotype maintenance.
3. Which of the following is NOT an element that does not define a feature?
a. The person responsible
b. Administrative date for the feature
c. Documentation
d. Feature maintenance.
4. A payroll period is defined as the period for which a payroll result is created.
a. True
b. False.
5. Which of the following items is NOT contained in the payroll log?
a. General data
b. Successful employee numbers
c. Rejections
d. Messages
e. Control record.
f. Advance payments can be made using the following options. Which of the statement is incorrect?
g. After the first payroll run. A pre-programme DME can be processed; the flag for transfers must be set. The balance of the payment is made after the second payroll run
h. Advance payment can be made without running a payroll, paying directly from infotypes 0008, 0014 and 0015.
i. Advance payments can be made using an off-cycle payroll run
j. Advance payments can be processed in SAP.
6. The following are valid public holidays in SAP: More than one answer is correct.
a. A movable holiday
b. Distance to Christmas
c. Fixed day from date
d. Fixed date
e. Special days.
f. Which of the following are contained in the SAP Reference IMG? More than one answer is correct.
g. All documentation required to implement a specific application
h. Project documentation
i. Status management
j. User master records
k. IMG activities.
7. There are three levels of the IMG. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. SAP Reference IMG
b. Project view
c. Data Entry profile
d. Enterprise IMG
e. Project IMG.
8. Which of the following statements are FALSE? More than one answer is correct.
a. Only the Active Plan version can be used in Organizational Management reporting
b. The PLOGI entry defines the default payroll area
c. The PLOGI ORGA entry in table T77S0 activates integration between OM and PA
d. The PLOGI feature can be used in conjunction with the PLOGI ORGA active entry to restrict integration to different groups of employees.
e. In the number range setup for Plan version, the subgroup $$S, stands for? Select only ONE.
f. All number ranges not listed explicitly
g. External number assignment for object type ‘S’ in all Plan versions
h. Number assignment for object ‘S’ in all Plan versions
i. All are false
j. All are true.
9. Highlight the true statement below:
a. Relationships are special subtype of the Relationship infotype
b. All infotypes must have subtype assigned to them
c. Each relationship between internal objects have two directions, indicated by ‘A’ meaning ‘Top Down’ and ‘B’ meaning ‘Bottom Up’
d. Relationships in the customer namespace must with a numeric character.
e. Which of the following are valid relationships between the objects listed? More than one answer is correct.
f. C B007 T
g. S A008 P
h. O B002 O
i. O B002 S
j. S B002 S
10. True or False:
a. Characteristics can be assigned to relationships for example weightings
b. When creating an object, the essence relationship must be defined
c. All relationships are stored in table HRRP1001
d. Time constraints are assigned to relationships and can be dependent on the target object type
e. Objects can only be created in the planned status.
f. Which of the following is not a valid user interface for maintaining organization management objects/infotypes?
g. Simple maintenance for creating large structures
h. Organisation and staffing for day to day maintenance
i. Manager’s Desktop for maintenance
j. Expert mode: infotype maintenance
k. Dynamic organization menu.
l. There are three ways to plan organizational changes in SAP. Which of the following is NOT one of these options?
m. Planning status for objects and infotypes
n. Validity periods
o. Account assignment
p. Plan versions.
q. Information regarding planned compensation can be stored on the following infotype:
r. 1001
s. 1002
t. 1003
u. 1004
v. 1005.
11. True or False:
a. Vacant positions can be marked obsolete
b. Cost centres are assigned to organizational units in infotype 1008
c. Quota planning can be calculated using FTE’s
d. Actions can set up to create objects
e. The work schedule stored in infotype 1011 can be defaulted into infotype 0007 on a Hiring action.
12. Which of the following are prerequisite for MSS or MDT?
a. A valid organization structure
b. The manager must be a person in the system
c. The Communication infotype 0105 and subtype 0001 must be maintained
d. The manager must in chief position.
13. What is the purpose of the ‘Evaluation path’ in Human Resources?
a. To determine the order in which infotypes are proposed by the R/3 system for editing
b. To assign employee groups to working time groups
c. To enable one to report on structural information in Organizational Management
d. To set up the path to allows the connection an electronic communication system within SAP R/3
14. Which of the following statements are TRUE?
a. Data transfer from HR PA – OM using RHINTE00 allows all relationships be created
b. Report RHINTE30 data transfer from OM – PA can be run even though the integration between OM and PA is not active
c. Report RHINTE20 is used on an ongoing basis to check consistency between PA and OM
d. Report RHINTE10 can be used to create entries in PA from OM.
e. Which reporting functions are provided in the Human Resources Information System? More than one answer is correct.
f. HIS which allows reporting using structural graphics
g. Manager’s desktop
h. The Report tree allows access to standard SAP report as well as customer defined reports, via hierarchical structures
i. Ad hoc query, allowing one to create reports on Human Resources data simply and efficiently
j. Business Information Warehouse.
k. What are the recommended steps when creating an infoset? More than one answer is correct.
l. Assign infoset to user group(s)
m. Create user groups
n. Create and generate an infoset
o. Select a logical database
p. Create local fields.
15. Which of the following are FALSE for user groups?
a. User groups can only be assigned one infoset
b. User can be assigned to several user groups
c. Every user in a particular user group can execute the querys that belong to another user group
d. User cannot change querys that belong to another group.
16. Which of the following are TRUE regarding Ad hoc query?
a. Can be used for both HR Master data and Payroll results
b. Complex querys can be created using set operations
c. Local fields can be created for use within an ad hoc query
d. Only fields that have been assigned to the field group in the infoset are available for reporting.
17. True or False:
a. The new query generator in logical database PNPCE provides 2 switches: general for the infoset and infotype specific
b. The logical database PNP is no longer used or supported by SAP
c. A logical database is a view of the database of tapes
d. PNPCE is an enhancement of PNP and incorporates changes for Concurrent employment
e. When creating queries in the standard area, the queries can be used in all clients.
18. Which of the following statements is true regarding payroll infotypes?
a. They are used for reporting payroll results
b. Must be filled using a report
c. Must not be generated
d. Can be created using dialog or primary wage types directly in the infotypes
e. Can be maintained in PA30.
f. The following are simulated Time Management infotypes: More than one answer is correct.
2500 Personal work schedule times
g. 2501 Employee times
h. 2502 Quota transaction
i. 2503 Weekly time sheet.
The HR authorizations are different from other authorizations in the following ways:
• Protect sensitive data
Data in Human Resource application components is more sensitive than data in other applications. For legal and company reasons, this data must be protected from unauthorized access.
• Technical differences
Because HR authorizations protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, they cannot be deactivated using transactions SU22 "Authorization Object Usage in Transactions" and SU24 "Authorization Object Check Under Transactions."
The names of all HR authorization objects start with P.
• Time-dependency
Authorizations in the Human Resources (HR) component depend on the organizational assignment, among other things. Organizational assignments are time-dependent. If employees are transferred, for example, their organizational assignment can change. Therefore, HR authorization checks are time-dependent.