Project Management Terminology - Q

Thursday, April 29, 2010

QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS   A generic term for subjective methods of assessing risks 

QUALITY   A trait or characteristic used to measure the degree of excellence of a product or service. Meeting customer's needs 

QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA)   The process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards. 

QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN   A plan that guarantees a quality approach and conformance to all customer requirements for all activities in a project. 

QUALITY AUDIT   An official examination to determine whether practices conform to specified standards or a critical analysis of whether a deliverable meets quality criteria. 

QUALITY CONTROL (QC)   The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance. 

QUALITY CRITERIA   The characteristics of a product that determines whether it meet certain requirements. 

QUALITY GUIDE   The quality guide describes quality and configuration management procedures and is aimed at people directly involved with quality reviews, configuration management and technical exceptions. 

QUALITY PLAN (FOR A PROJECT)   That part of the project plan that concern quality management and quality assurance strategies (See also ISO 10006) 

QUALITY PLANNING   Determining which quality standards are necessary and how to apply them. 

QUALITY REVIEW   A review of a product against an established set of quality criteria.


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