Requirements Management
Sunday, June 1, 2008
- What is your project about? What stage or phase is it currently in? What is your current role in your project?
- Explain how you manage requirements in your project?
- Where and how do you document your requirements?
- What and where are the policy statements for requirement management?
- How do you ensure that you base your software plans, work items and products on the requirement?
- If during some stage down the life cycle, the initial requirements change, what will you do? How will you handle any changes in the requirements?
- Who reviews the requirements and the changes to the requirements?
- Explain the contract review process followed in your project?
- When requirements change, how do you handle the changes it may lead to project progress and schedule?
- How do you handle any risk that might arise due to changes in requirements?
- How do you ensure that you are consistently meeting the requirements during various stages in the life cycle of the software product?
- How do internal quality audits cover requirements management activities in the project?
- Who is responsible for managing the requirements in your project?
- What will you do if you find that you cannot meet the requirements?
- While doing HLD/LLD/Coding/Testing, how do you know that a specific HLD/LLD component, program code unit, or test case relates to a particular requirement?
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