Software Project Planning - 2

Sunday, June 1, 2008

  1. Where and how are the risks associated with your project identified and documented?
  2. When you come in to the office, how do you know what you have to do during the day?
  3. How do you report the status of your project?
  4. How the team members are kept informed about the current status of the project?
  5. How do the audits cover planning activities?
  6. How does the senior management review your project's progress?
  7. How do you track the technical activities in your project? How is the status of the project communicated to the team?
  8. How do you track the size or changes to size of the work products in your project?
  9. When do revise your project plan? When do you know you have to revise your project plan? Where is the plan revision frequency documented?
  10. How do you ensure that you and all the other team members in your project have the required technical skills to execute the project?
  11. How do you assign tasks to your team members?
  12. What is the document that should be consulted to know about your project, the activities you do, your schedules and milestones?

Software Project Planning - 1

  1. What is the project management structure in your project? Is a PL assigned to the project?
  2. How do you know that a particular individual is the project leader (or) how do you know that you are the Project Leader?
  3. What and where are the policy statements for software project planning?
  4. Explain the various activities you do (as a PL) when the project is started up.
  5. How do you know what you need to deliver or do in your project?
  6. How do you create the Software Project Management Plan (SPMP)?
  7. What training have you undergone in project planning?
  8. How do you ensure that your project plan is available for others to see? Where will you find the plans of other projects executed (in the past or currently) in the center?
  9. How did you choose the appropriate lifecycle for your project?
  10. What are the documents that you will refer to create the plan?
  11. How do you estimate the effort for your project? Where is the estimation procedure documented?
  12. What procedures do you follow to arrive at the project schedule?

Requirements Management

  1. What is your project about? What stage or phase is it currently in? What is your current role in your project?
  2. Explain how you manage requirements in your project?
  3. Where and how do you document your requirements?
  4. What and where are the policy statements for requirement management?
  5. How do you ensure that you base your software plans, work items and products on the requirement?
  6. If during some stage down the life cycle, the initial requirements change, what will you do? How will you handle any changes in the requirements?
  7. Who reviews the requirements and the changes to the requirements?
  8. Explain the contract review process followed in your project?
  9. When requirements change, how do you handle the changes it may lead to project progress and schedule?
  10. How do you handle any risk that might arise due to changes in requirements?
  11. How do you ensure that you are consistently meeting the requirements during various stages in the life cycle of the software product?
  12. How do internal quality audits cover requirements management activities in the project?
  13. Who is responsible for managing the requirements in your project?
  14. What will you do if you find that you cannot meet the requirements?
  15. While doing HLD/LLD/Coding/Testing, how do you know that a specific HLD/LLD component, program code unit, or test case relates to a particular requirement?


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