Software Engineering Terms - C

Saturday, January 29, 2011

1. The user point-of-entry for an application. Normally a software executable
residing on a desktop computer, workstation, or laptop computer. The user
generally interacts directly only with the client, using it to input, retrieve, analyze
and report on data.
2. A device or application that receives data from or manipulates a server device or

A meeting at which source code is presented for review, comment, or approval.

One of the parts that make up a system. A component may be hardware, software, or
firmware and may be subdivided into other components.

Detailed, pre-programmed instructions that control and coordinate the work of computer
hardware and firmware components in an information system. 

The automation of step-by -step methodologies for software and systems development to
reduce the amount of repetitive work required of the analyst or developer.

A process that effectively controls the coordination and implementation of changes to
software components.

A restriction, limitation, or regulation that limits a given course of action.

Overview data flow diagram depicting an entire system as a single process with its major
inputs and outputs.

The process of changing from the old system to the new system.

A set of specific operational conditions shaped by the business environment that are
believed to significantly impact the success potential of an organization or business
function. In a software development effort, critical success factors are composed of
assumptions and dependencies that are generally outside the control of the development

The number of subject matter experts for each Use Case (UC) in an application under
development. This project risk factor is considered low when more than one SME is
available perUC. A high risk ensues when outside SMEs are involved with a software
development effort.

Software Engineering Terms - B

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The capacity of a communications channel.

A set of software components and documents to that has been formerly reviewed and
accepted, that serves as the basis for further development or current production, which
can be changed only through formal change control procedures. See Release version.

A method of collecting and processing data in which transactions are accumulated and
stored until a specified time when it is convenient or necessary to process them as a

The unique ways in which organizations coordinate and organize work activities,
information, and knowledge to produce a product or service. For example, in a sales
environment, the information used and steps taken to record a new customer order is
considered a business process.

A project risk factor that takes into consideration the complexity of the business process
or processes under automation. Project risk is considered low when all processes involve
fairly simple data entry and update operations. Project risk is considered medium when a
minority of the business processes under automation are complex, involving multiple
steps, exchanges with external systems or significant validation/processing logic. Project
risk is considered high when a majority of the business processes under automation are
considered to be complex.

A project risk factor that takes into consideration the maturity and stability of the business
process or processes to be automated. Project risk is considered low when standard
business processes that have been stable and in place for a significant period of time are
being automated. Project risk is considered medium when one or more nonstandard but
stable business processes, generally unique to the customers situation, are being
automated. Project risk rises significantly when the development team is attempting to
automate one or more new or unusual business processes.

A logical or mathematical test that determines whether data entered in a database
complies with an organization's method of conducting its operations.

Software Quality Assurance Interview Questions | SQA Questions | SQA Paper

Saturday, January 22, 2011

  1. what is software?

  1. what is representation?

  1. what is continuous representation and stage representation?

  1. what are the major difference b/w stage and continuous?

  1. can any industry apply CMMI?

  1. what is CMM and CMMI and differences?

  1. what is Specific goal specific practices and Generic goal and generic practices?

  1. what are the flow or How to work or how to apply SP GP SG GG? Which will comes under sp gg gp sp, I mean which will come first under levels?

  1. how to achieve these SP GP SG GG? What the process to achieve these SP GP SG GG?

  1.  types of testing?

  1.  which control chart will be apply in s/w? and why?

  1.  what is the process area?

  1. what is spice and tickit?

  1.  what is JAD?

  1.  what is s/w metrics and what is need?

  1.  how to gather the data?

  1. what is scrum methodology?

  1.  what is s/w engineering document?

  1.  what is task force?

  1.  what is use of SPSS , clear case?

  1. what are tools which we are using in s/w?

  1. listing of metrics?

  1.  what is schedule variances effort variances?

  1.  defect rate. Deliver defect rate, requirement stability index?

  1.  review effectiveness, QA effectiveness, project utilization?

  1. what is vss, cvs?

  1.  what is configuration management?

  1.  what is change management?

  1.  risk management?

  1. quantitative product management?

  1. DAR?

  1.  process capability in s/w?

  1.  what is baseline?

  1.  work product?

  1.  what is the s/w development life cycle?

  1.  what are the inputs and outputs of SDLC for each phases?

  1.  types of models like spiral, agile etc..?


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